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I couldn't find documentation on an equivalent of Java's final in Python, is there such a thing?


I'm creating a snapshot of an object (used for restoration if anything fails); once this backup variable is assigned, it should not be modified -- a final-like feature in Python would be nice for this.

我正在创建一个对象的快照(如果有任何失败则用于恢复);一旦分配了这个备份变量,就不应该修改它 - Python中的类似最终功能对此很有用。

8 个解决方案



Having a variable in Java be final basically means that once you assign to a variable, you may not reassign that variable to point to another object. It actually doesn't mean that the object can't be modified. For example, the following Java code works perfectly well:


public final List messages = new LinkedList();

public void addMessage()
    messages.add("Hello World!");  // this mutates the messages list

but the following wouldn't even compile:


public final List messages = new LinkedList();

public void changeMessages()
    messages = new ArrayList();  // can't change a final variable

So your question is about whether final exists in Python. It does not.


However, Python does have immutable data structures. For example, while you can mutate a list, you can't mutate a tuple. You can mutate a set but not a frozenset, etc.


My advice would be to just not worry about enforcing non-mutation at the language level and simply concentrate on making sure that you don't write any code which mutates these objects after they're assigned.




There is no ``final'' equivalent in Python.


But, to create read-only fields of class instances, you can use the property function.


Edit: perhaps you want something like this:


class WriteOnceReadWhenever:
    def __setattr__(self, attr, value):
        if hasattr(self, attr):
            raise Exception("Attempting to alter read-only value")

        self.__dict__[attr] = value



An assign-once variable is a design issue. You design your application in a way that the variable is set once and once only.


However, if you want run-time checking of your design, you can do it with a wrapper around the object.


class OnePingOnlyPleaseVassily( object ):
    def __init__( self ):
        self.value= None
    def set( self, value ):
        if self.value is not None:
            raise Exception( "Already set.")
        self.value= value

someStateMemo= OnePingOnlyPleaseVassily()
someStateMemo.set( aValue ) # works
someStateMemo.set( aValue ) # fails

That's clunky, but it will detect design problems at run time.




There is no such thing. In general, the Python attitude is "if you don't want this modified, just don't modify it". Clients of an API are unlikely to just poke around your undocumented internals anyway.


You could, I suppose, work around this by using tuples or namedtuples for the relevant bits of your model, which are inherently immutable. That still doesn't help with any part of your model that has to be mutable of course.




Python has no equivalent of "final". It doesn't have "public" and "protected" either, except by naming convention. It's not that "bondage and discipline".




you can simulate something like that through the descriptor protocol, since it allows to define reading and setting a variable the way you wish.


class Foo(object):

  def myvar(self):
     # return value here

  def myvar(self, newvalue):
     # do nothing if some condition is met

a = Foo()
print a.myvar
a.myvar = 5 # does nothing if you don't want to



http://code.activestate.com/recipes/576527/ defines a freeze function, although it doesn't work perfectly.


I would consider just leaving it mutable though.




Although this is an old question, I figured I would add yet another potential option: You can also use assert to verify a variable is set to what you originally intended it to be set to – a double checking if you will. Although this is not the same as final in Java, it can be used to create a similar effect:

虽然这是一个老问题,但我想我还会添加另一个可能的选项:您还可以使用assert来验证变量是否设置为您最初设置的值 - 如果您愿意,则进行双重检查。虽然这与Java中的final不同,但它可用于创建类似的效果:

PI = 3.14
radius = 3

    assert PI == 3.14
    print PI * radius**2
except AssertionError:
    print "Yikes."

As seen above, if PI were for some reason not set to 3.14, an AssertionError would be thrown, so a try/except block would probably be a wise addition. Regardless, it may come in handy depending on your situation.

如上所示,如果PI由于某种原因未设置为3.14,则会抛出AssertionError,因此try / except块可能是明智的补充。无论如何,根据您的情况,它可能会派上用场。

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